Beekeeping Info & Links

Below are links to other sites that have additional information related to beekeeping.

Hive Inspection Sheet

Handy form to use when performing hive inspections. Helps remind new beekeepers what to observe in the hive and allows for notes and drawings related to frames or boxes added.

Pollinator research ramps up as bee colony numbers decline

Penn State

Part 1: In the last several years, beekeepers across the country have seen the overall number of pollinator bee colonies drop dramatically. By each winter’s end, about 3 out of every 10 colonies die out. The reasons are numerous, but many look at the use of pesticides as a main cause.

Part 2: Pollinators and Their Threats

Pollinator Food

Penn State

You don’t need to have a large property or dedicate your entire garden to hosting pollinators in order to benefit them. Most important is to make a first step, a change in attitude, which through the power of example could be followed by others.

 Swarm Removal P1020144

Swarm removal and control
If you find a swarm (nest, ball, or bunch) of honeybees on or near your property, don’t panic.  And please DO NOT grab the can of RAID® or call an exterminator. Swarming bees are not aggressive and the following beekeepers have volunteered themselves to remove and assist with collecting swarms in Mariposa, Tuolumne, Calaveras and Amador Counties.

Check our local listing for swarm removal at the Swarm Removal link.

Honey Bee Plants

Bee friendly plants
Important Honey Bee Plants in California
Eric Mussen, Extension Apiculturist

Partners For Sustainable Pollination

Pursuing collaborative approaches between farmers, growers, beekeepers and scientists to develop ways to improve health of honey bees in pollination services and support native pollinators.


The Xerces Society – Bee friendly plants for Northern California gardens – by season


The Great Sunflower Project

Join this fun project to help count bees on sunflowers. Go to this website to flag your area and register your count.

Bee Culture Magazine

“The Magazine of American Beekeeping”

National Honey Board

The National Honey Board is a federal research and promotion board under USDA oversight that conducts research, marketing and promotion programs to help maintain and expand markets for honey and honey products. Learn about honey, Recipes, Tips, Tools and Resources, Honey Nutritional Info.

Scientific Beekeeping with Randy Oliver

Randy Oliver, in Grass Valley, CA, provides the progressive beekeeper with readable summaries of current worldwide scientific research on various topics.  He also offers practical suggestions based upon his own experience (He runs a 1000-colony migratory operation in California), and that of other successful and innovative beekeepers.

Understanding Flower Pollination by Ava’s Flowers

This is a very detailed article full of information and links to other resources related to flower pollination written by Ava Rose of Ava’s Flowers.