Beekeeping Time Commitments

Time Commitments in Beekeeping

As with any hobby, there is a time commitment. Some people become very involved, have multiple hives in their apiary, take on additional roles as mentors or volunteer to collect swarms. Others are happy to have one or two hives in their back yard. Regardless, below is a general schedule of what a new beekeeper can expect as far as time commitments are concerned. You are also welcome to read the meanderings of Serge Labesque, “Beekeeping Throughout the Year” on our website.


  • no need to inspect hives
  • clean, build or buy new equipment for next year
  • read books on beekeeping
  • plan your garden for next year to include bee friendly plants
  • Order bees (first of year)


  •  Install bees or otherwise start hives
  • Once weather is warm enough, perform hive inspections (Every 7-10 days)
  • Add new frames or hive boxes as necessary
  • Feed with sugar syrup if necessary


  • Perform hive inspections (Every 7-10 days)
  • Add new frames/hive boxes as necessary
  • Harvest honey (as appropriate/when appropriate)


  • When appropriate, begin preparation for winter
  • Reduce frequency of hive inspections